Category: Activism & Civic Engagement
Measuring the Impact of Urban Renewal: DH that Counts!
This remarkable project on redlining, race, and reparations shows the real world impact that Digital Humanities can have when rooted in community, activism, values—and done with mission and determination. The project began by documenting redlining primarily against Black and brown communities, beginning back in the 1930s with federal housing laws and continuing to the present, […]
Design Justice: “Design Values: Hard-Coding Liberation?” A Review
Sasha Costanza-Chock’s Design Justice is a framework that questions and re-imagines the role of design, power and justice in technology systems. Design Justice is a widely cited framework that complicates current technology design practices, testing, and conception. It’s an attempt to grapple with and align the numerous technological, ideological and social entities such as social […]
Not a conclusion, but a pause
As much as this project has been about telling other women’s stories, this has also been about telling my own. I have delved into the origins and mythologies of the madwoman. I’ve explained the subjective definitions and looked at how madwomen are portrayed across various mediums and genres. But I can hear my skeptical readers […]
Scholar Spotlight: Katrina Rbeiz
Hi everyone! My name is Katrina Rbeiz, and I am a Lebanese-American first-year Clinical Psychology Ph.D. student at Vanderbilt University. I’m excited to share more about my motivations and experiences as a HASTAC scholar, and to connect with other like-minded individuals! If you’d like to connect: Twitter Personal Website 1) Why did you […]
On the origin of language: A feminist analysis of ableism and speciesism as they relate to dominant feminist discourses
Language is so central, so fundamental to social interaction, to our becoming who we are that no one interested in influencing and inflecting their society can ignore it. —Margaret Gibbon, Feminist Perspectives on Language Language is such an intrinsic part of our everyday lives, ingrained even into the muscle structures of our faces and […]
Reflections on Black History Month 2021
2020 has been a seminal year for Black history, present and future in the US, as well as globally. Black Lives Matter protests against police brutality, which have been ongoing since 2013, have spread across the world. Only in the US, an estimated 15 to 26 million people participated in the protests by mid-2020, making […]
January 2021 is not June 2020
The attempted coup yesterday and its contrast with the Black Lives Matter movement invites serious reflection about the difference in motivations between a seditious, antidemocratic personality cult, and legitimate dissent. Prejudice long held that the already powerful will do what is just and what is orderly, since the powerful are order by definition. Yesterday proved […]
A Philosophical Review So Far of Ta-Nehisi Coates’ Between the World and Me
“But all our phrasing … serves to obscure that racism is a visceral experience, that it dislodges brains, blocks airways, rips muscle, extracts organs, cracks bones, breaks teeth. You must never look away from this. You must always remember that the sociology, the history, the economics, the charts, the regressions all land, with great violence, […]
Where Do We Go From Here? Building Community in the Post-COVID Public University
Like many people, I feel that my world has turned upside down. But has the world turned upside down? Yes, lots of things are very different today than they were three months ago–we no longer enter stores without masks on, go to cafes, or ride the subway at night. However, much remains the same. The […]
Chapter 7: The Miracle of the Golden Arches
“What do your research and scholarship—RIGHT NOW—challenge and remake? What do your institutional practices—RIGHT NOW—challenge and remake?” At the October 2019 Conference on Community Writing in Philadelphia, an event that brings together teachers, scholars, artists, activists and community organizers, Carmen Kynard asked the above questions in “All I Need is One Mic”: A Black […]