Category: Government & Policy
Don’t Let The NYT Fool You! College is Worth It, Necessary, and the Only Major Tool We Have for Combatting Income Inequality
The New York Times today has an article on the “5 Takeaways from the Year in Education.” While I agree with the other four “trends,” I want to respond and offer a rebuttal to #3: “Declining Faith in Higher Education.” I believe this so-called decline is a hoax. Over 92% of rich people send their […]
Neighborhoods of Refuge – PhotoVoice
Hi everyone! I am working on a website to showcase ta PhotoVoice project titled “Neighborhoods of Refuge.” The projected was carried out by faculty and students from Florida International University and Miami Dade College, alongside the organization Camillus House in Miami. Project participants attended photography workshops and debriefing sessions where they discussed issues related to homelessness. […]
Does “yes” also mean “no”?: The unwritten rules of consent in youths’ lives
Despite the new, heightened attention on the topic, issues of sexual violence are still yet to be adequately addressed in North American curriculum, particularly in parts of Canada. Indeed, Ontario’s recent provincial government caused a flurry of confusion when they reverted their curriculum to the 1998 version, which removed newer updates that included discussions of […]
Technology and Democracy: A New Dystopia?
It can be hard to tell to tell what direction a revolution is moving in when you’re standing in the middle of one. Such is the case as we look at the last four years of politics in the United States and the influence of social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook […]
Scrabble and Banned Words Pt.1
As part of a HASTAC research group at the University of Texas at Dallas, our group has begun to explore ways to parse the inflammatory and conflicting assertions around the use of specific words within paperwork at the CDC. A total of seven words, such as “evidence-based”, “transgender”, “diversity” and “vulnerable”, were specified as being […]
Not All Things are Fair… Yet Education Should Be
Due to the lack of federal funding teachers have been forced to use money out of their own pockets to purchase basic supplies for their class to provide a suitable education for the students. Even the President of the American Federation of Teachers, Randi Weingarten states, “There is no other job I know of where […]
Torn Apart/Separados Hackathon & HASTAC Meet-up Recap
Map of allies Post by Alex Gil and Roopika Risam Torn Apart / Separados, which launched on July 25th, is a set of rapid response data visualizations created by a small team of researchers using data they collected on immigrant detention over a 7-day period. The team behind the project is Manan Ahmed, Maira Alvarez, Sylvia Fernandez, […]
Torn Apart / Separados Call for Contributors and Reviewers
Torn Apart / Separados ( is inviting contributors and reviewers to help us in several ways (sending feedback and/or adding information and reviewing our crowdsourced lists): FEEDBACK 1. Peer review of certain sections of the project, offer feedback on how effectively we articulated the purpose of the project, the experience of undertaking research, the decisions we made while […]
Student Food Insecurity and What To Do About It: #RealCollege Launches a Campaign for Real Change
#RealCollege: Voices for Change[] is a national campaign and call to action for today’s college student, sharing insights into balancing work, home responsibilities and academics while contending with poverty and the “hassle factors” of policies, procedures and norms while attempting to earn a college degree. As Prof Sara Goldrick-Rab has noted in recent correspondence with #RealCollege […]
SSRC Works with Facebook To Make Data Available for Ethically Responsible Research
Dr. Alondra Nelson, President of the Social Science Research Council (SSRC) and a member of HASTAC’s Council of Advisors, today announced a crucial new initiative to study, with responsible and ethical practices, social media data. Congratulations and gratitude to SSRC for taking this crucially important step. Speaking personally: I’m less excited about researchers studying the […]