Category: Government & Policy

  • Twenty Things Higher Ed Can Learn from the Parkland High School Kids #MarchforOurLives #REV

    Twenty Things Higher Ed Can Learn from the Parkland High School Kids #MarchforOurLives #REV

      What Higher Ed Can Learn from High School Activists #MarchforOurLives #REV   I’m thinking about yesterday’s #MarchforOurLives protest in DC and all over America, how it was organized by high school students who had endured the most unimaginable violence, and how they turned something horrific into something productive, violence against them into an action […]

  • Digital Accessibility and You

    Digital Accessibility and You

    I have been working on a series of blog posts on digital accessibility for the last several months. This is a topic that is near and dear to my heart, as I am a disabled student and worker in a digital world. I try to advance projects and accessibility in general, and to lead and […]

  • Black Listing Then and Now?: Similarities and Continuities

    Black Listing Then and Now?: Similarities and Continuities

    On February 6, 2018 “Black Listed” held its second class. We began the class with what is now becoming a usual fashion: we welcomed each other, grabbed a few snacks and directed ourselves to the assigned text. For this week, students were to have read William J. Maxwell‘s “Total Literary Awareness.” As the class opened, we […]

  • The Debate With Online Surveillance

    The Debate With Online Surveillance

    The Debate with Online Surveillance             The topic of online surveillance has long been an issue up for debate. According to Merriam-Webster, surveillance can be defined as, “close watch kept over someone or something,” (Merriam-Webster), So that begs the questions, is there anything that is really, truly private that you can do on the […]

  • Pausing to Reflect

    Pausing to Reflect

    This has been… a big year. While the Futures Initiative team and I formally reflect on the past year through the exercise of writing and designing our annual report, and while we plan for an unusual year ahead, I’d like to take a moment and offer a more personal reflection as well. In working on our […]