Category: Government & Policy

  • Orwell: The Right to Internet Privacy and Why There May Be Hope Yet (or Not)

    Orwell: The Right to Internet Privacy and Why There May Be Hope Yet (or Not)

    Like most who attended high school in the States, I read George Orwell’s proverbial classic Nineteen Eighty-Four as a teenager, and (as every good eighteen-year-old in America should be) was frightened by the book’s implications and depictions of the cultism that can arise in a totalitarian society run by an omnipresent authority figure. Upon discovering […]

  • How other respond to me as a foreigner

    As a foreigner from Italy, my first impressions on how Americans respond to me were in overall, positive. Considering that for somehow Italians has usually good reputation, maybe because our old history or our creativity. For taking an example, Uber drivers always asking my origin because my different accent, it comes out 1st because of […]

  • Do you work on an environmental history or humanities project?

    As the Associate Editor of the Living Landscape Observer blog and as a Phd Candidate in US History, I am constantly looking for ways to link together the worlds of environmental policy and environmental history / humanities. I attend conferences in both arenas and only occasionally find any overlap between the two communities. One way I am […]